Wednesday Night Activities
Learn more about our youth group ministries!
Together in Christ
Jr. High Ministry
Our junior high ministry meets from 6:15 - 7:20 pm every Wednesday at New Life Church.
- Ages: 7th - 8th grade
- Time: 6:15 pm - 7:20 pm
- Location: Begin in the Worship Center and finish in the TIC Youth Room on the North end of the building
- Purpose: To love teens by connecting them to a Christian adult who knows them by name, accepts them, and supports them, as well as introduce and center them on Christ.
Brothers and sisters in Christ
High School Ministry
Our high school ministry meets from 7:45 - 9 pm every Wednesday at New Life Church. Once a month we meet in small groups.
- Ages: 9th - 12th grade
- Time: 7:45 pm - 9 pm
- Location: BASIC youth room (east of the Worship Center)
- Purpose: To love teens by accepting them, supporting them, and praying for them.
what to expect
While TIC officially starts at 6:15 pm, feel free to join us in the Worship Center beforehand to play games and hang out. Then, we move to the TIC Youth Room for testimonies, scripture, and small group discussion times.
Events are a huge part of our ministry!
- November - traveling Lock-in at the Mall of America Amusement Park!
- April - Middle School Retreat.
- July - Power Connection!
what to expect
Large group
We do a variety of things on Wednesday nights including worship, testimonies, scripture sharing, and topical themed nights.
Small group
Once a month, we have small group night where students meet with their group off campus to connect. Small groups are divided by grade and gender with the purpose of enjoying each other's company through fellowship and building a relationship with their adult leader.
Events are a huge part of our ministry!
- Fall and Spring retreats
- Summer - Rocky Mt High (every three years) and Serve Camp (every off year from Rocky Mt High)
6th Grade
Evangelism Explosion
Ages: 6th grad
Time: 6:15-7:30 pm
Location: Room 118 at New Life Church
Purpose: To win kids to Christ, ground them in their faith, and equip them to share the gospel.
Time: 6:15-7:30 pm
Location: Room 118 at New Life Church
Purpose: To win kids to Christ, ground them in their faith, and equip them to share the gospel.

If you have further questions concerning our New Life Youth Ministries experience or visiting New Life Church with your teens, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!
Get To Know Ryan.
I am humbled to be able to do youth ministry here at New Life! When the previous youth pastor stepped down, my wife and I were the adult leaders of the High School youth group. I was asked to finish out the year as an interim; and during that time, I felt the call to apply for the full-time position. I started working at New Life in 2005. I love the life teens bring, and I especially enjoy serving with them. As I get older, I’ve gained a love for empowering our adult leaders and seeing God work through them. I am married to Tiffany, who grew up at New Life and got me involved here. We have three boys, Kyler (14), Kale (11), and Lincoln (7), and they are awesome! I enjoy a good movie, a round of disc golf, and sitting back with my wife watching our kids do what they do.