the Need for Ministry leaders!
We are currently experiencing the largest and fastest spiritual shift in America with about 40 million that used to attend church regularly, are now no longer attending. This accounts for about 16% of adult population. (The Great De-Churching by Jim Davies and Michael Graham)
The New Life Residency Program exists to glorify God by developing the next generation of leaders, pastors, and missionaries who will help people find new life in Christ through proclaiming the Gospel to the world.
The residency is part of our strategic goal of multiplication by sending pastors and missionaries out to spread the Gospel to those who don’t know Jesus!
This residency is a one-to-two-year program where residents will receive training, education, leadership skills, and spiritual development in the local church as part of the pathway of becoming ordained in our denomination the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC). Residents will be employed full-time for the duration of the program.
The New Life Residency Program exists to glorify God by developing the next generation of leaders, pastors, and missionaries who will help people find new life in Christ through proclaiming the Gospel to the world.
The residency is part of our strategic goal of multiplication by sending pastors and missionaries out to spread the Gospel to those who don’t know Jesus!
This residency is a one-to-two-year program where residents will receive training, education, leadership skills, and spiritual development in the local church as part of the pathway of becoming ordained in our denomination the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC). Residents will be employed full-time for the duration of the program.

14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
(Romans 10:14-15)
Learn More about the Residency Program

Want to learn more about the Pastoral Residency Progam? Click the link below to find out more!

If hired for the Residency Program you will be employed full-time by the church to complete the 12-24 month program.

Please Review New Life's "about us" page and the Unifying Beliefs before applying for the residency program.

If you are interested in applying for the Pastoral Residency job please click the link below and fill out the application.