Sermon Guide

September 1, 2024

In today's sermon, Pastor Dan explores the significance and impact of our words as presented in James chapter three. He emphasizes that while the tongue is small, it holds the power to harm or heal, and is capable of either causing great damage or offering praise and encouragement. The message encourages believers to reflect on their speech, understanding that it reflects the condition of their hearts, and highlights the importance of speaking words that build others up rather than tear them down. Ultimately, the sermon calls for reliance on God to help tame the tongue and cultivate a heart filled with love and grace to produce uplifting words.
1. Why do you think Pastor Dan emphasized that the tongue, although small, is very powerful?
Pastor Dan shared that the tongue can control the direction of our lives just like a bit controls a horse or a rudder steers a ship, illustrating its significant impact.
Can you think of a time when your words had a significant effect on someone else, whether positive or negative?

2. What does James 3:11-12 teach us about consistency in our speech?
The message referenced how fresh water and salt water cannot come from the same spring, illustrating the idea that our speech should reflect our true character and values.
How can you ensure that your words consistently reflect your values and beliefs in your daily life?

3. What steps can we take to guard our words?
The message outlined the importance of being careful with our words, paying attention to our inner life, and thinking before we speak.
What specific strategies can you implement to help control your speech, especially in moments of anger or frustration?