Summer Readings
July 7, 2024
Our sermon delves into the story of King Josiah, highlighting the importance of hearing, conviction, and renewal in faith. King Josiah's discovery of the hidden law sparks a revival in the kingdom of Judah, emphasizing the need for a return to God's truth. The steps of hearing God's word, feeling convicted of sin, and beginning afresh in Christ are crucial in experiencing personal and spiritual revival. Our sermon concludes by inviting those who are lost to discover the joy of Christ and encouraging established believers to reconnect with God's message and share it, thus highlighting the path of revival: hearing God's word, acknowledging our sins, and recommitting to Christ.
1. How does the story of King Josiah and the rediscovery of the Book of the Law challenge your understanding of the importance of Scripture in your own life?
2. When was the last time you felt truly convicted by God's Word? How did that experience change your actions or perspective?
3. King Josiah responded to God's Word by tearing his robes and leading a national renewal. What steps can you take to respond to God's Word in your own life and community?
4. How does understanding the depth of our sinfulness and the need for repentance shape your relationship with God and others?
5. What does it mean to you to start anew in Christ? How can you live out this new beginning in your daily life?
2. When was the last time you felt truly convicted by God's Word? How did that experience change your actions or perspective?
3. King Josiah responded to God's Word by tearing his robes and leading a national renewal. What steps can you take to respond to God's Word in your own life and community?
4. How does understanding the depth of our sinfulness and the need for repentance shape your relationship with God and others?
5. What does it mean to you to start anew in Christ? How can you live out this new beginning in your daily life?